Our services.

·         Assist with personal care activities: bathing, dressing, grooming

·         Assist with ambulation, transfers

·         Assist with housekeeping activities: sweeping, mopping, dusting, and general straightening.

·         Assist with laundry activities: washing, drying, folding, and putting away laundry, changing linens, mending clothes, and ironing clothes.

·         Assist with meals: cooking, setting up, feeding, storing meals, and washing dishes.

·         Assist with shopping: grocery shopping, and personal shopping.

·         Accompany client to appointments: in client’s vehicle, in DSW’s vehicle, and/or assisting client with public transportation.

·         Assist with recreation: in home and/or community activities.


Veteran Affairs

Are you a veteran? There is a program for you, offering Home Health Aid/Respite Care, you could be eligible. Please contact us to hear how we can further assist you.

Find out if your loved one is eligible. Visit va.gov or call the VA Benefits Hotline (1-800-827-1000) to learn more.



We accept both Long-Term Personal Care and Community Choice Waiver program. Click the link below to see if you’re eligible for either program. Please contact us if you need further assistance.

Community Choice Waiver

Long-Term Personal Care

Long Term Policy

A Long-Term Care Policy is an insurance policy covering long-term care purchased through an insurance company such as State Farm, Mutual of Omaha, or TransAmerica. Most policies will reimburse you for care in a variety of places such as your home.


Private Pay

We offer out-of-pocket services at a minimum of 18 hours per week and at least 6 hours a day with up to 24 hours/7 days a week. Please give us a call about our rates.